Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Super Powers

I've taken notice of a few things in my lifetime. For one, my eyes get red when I get tired or when I am pooping. Secondly, if I had a nickel every time I get a kiss from mom and dad AFTER I get licked all over from Brodie, I would have a nice cushion in my 529 plan. Thirdly, although I am well aware that to fully help a country rebuild, there needs to be a military presence, but when is enough enough over there? But I digress. I would like to take this forum to dispel the myth that I don't actually have baby finger nails, that I have some super human appendages made of titanium, not keratin. Yes, it is true that I have sent dad to work with everything from minor scratches to full blown  bloody gouges. Students point, teachers laugh, but I'm getting a bad wrap here. I've heard the whispers- "She's cute, but she has talons," "Sweetie pie-watch your eye" and as well as being compared to the X Man Wolverine as played by the talented and devilish handsome Hugh Jackman. I don't see any resemblance. Do you?


joashdew said...

you know i am not one to freely give you compliments... perhaps if i were bound and gagged or threatened with being tarred and feathered... but this blog is just plain witty! Ash

Matriarch to the SoCo said...

I do see a striking resemblance between wolferine and chlo-jo, it must be the hair.

Unknown said...

Your blog is hilarious! We call Harrison "Wolverine" every day. The finger nails are almost deadly and really hard to keep up with. I'm afraid to say that he may have a little scar from his own nails. So sad.

P.S...This post says "Jeremy" but it's really from me...Tanya